"The University of South Carolina School of Social Work, 1934-1954" by Elaine Walker Townsend

Date of Award


Document Type

Campus Access Dissertation


College of Social Work


Social Work

First Advisor

Naomi Farber


This dissertation examines the School of Social Work at the University of South Carolina from 1934-1954. This first attempt at establishing a school of social work failed after twenty years of inconsistent performance. The primary concern of the study is to uncover and describe the events that led to the closing of the school. To that end, the full history of the school is examined within its social and political contexts using a historical narrative methodology. As a result of this study, I conclude that although discrimination based on gender and race had an indirect on the School's failure to succeed, a lack of effective educational leadership directly led to the closing.


© 2009, Elaine Walker Townsend
