"A Case Study of Emmett Scott High School from 1965-1970" by Terrance Alridge

Date of Award


Document Type

Campus Access Dissertation


Educational Leadership and Policies


Educational Administration

First Advisor

Zack Kelehear


The purpose of this case study is to examine the roles that educators and students played in the social and academic culture of Emmet Scott High. Emmett Scott High opened in 1920 as a segregated school for African Americans in the city of Rock Hill. Although it closed in 1970, it still remains a symbol of pride of the African American Community in Rock Hill South Carolina. Many of its students and faculty revere it as a place central to the schooling experience of the students who attended. Today, it currently operates as a community center for the area. The memories of a the last principal, teaching staff, and students were collected and shaped into a rich story about Emmett Scott High's life before the beginning of desegregation process. All the interviews and opinions are from the individuals who worked or attended Emmett Scott High. Their narratives contain a number of examples of what the life at Emmett Scott High was like before, during, and after the desegregation process. The participant's stories help to illustrate the flow of educational process in the Emmett Scott community in Rock Hill, the problems which the school encountered, and the way these problems were addressed. The study has great significance in society today because through the study it has been possible to understand some of the major issues that are related to racism and discrimination in society and its impacts or effects especially to the people on whom it is being practiced. The study of Emmett Scott High School may help clarify the many persistent issues of racism in academic institutions today. Through this process of building an understanding by giving voice to the past we may learn more about how racism takes place in society and how it can deny some of the people in society equal opportunities The school taught the students not only academics, but also how to live with racism and lack of freedom. It appears that there is a strong opinion among many who were associated with the school that had caring environment. Academically, the school had many competent teachers who managed to teach with much fewer resources than what was available in other schools. Socially, the school community was close knit and many of the teachers knew their students and their families personally.


© 2009, Terrance Alridge
