"Shear Horizontal Wave Excitation and Reception With Shear Horizontal P" by A Kamal and Victor Giurgiutiu

Shear Horizontal Wave Excitation and Reception With Shear Horizontal Piezoelectric Wafer Active Sensor (SH-PWAS)

Document Type


Subject Area(s)

Engineering, Mechanical Engineering


This article discusses shear horizontal (SH) guided-waves that can be excited with shear type piezoelectric wafer active sensor (SH-PWAS). The paper starts with a review of state of the art SH waves modelling and their importance in non-destructive evaluation (NDE) and structural health monitoring (SHM). The basic piezoelectric sensing and actuation equations for the case of shear horizontal piezoelectric wafer active sensor (SH-PWAS) with electro-mechanical coupling coefficient are reviewed. Multiphysics finite element modelling (MP-FEM) was performed on a free SH-PWAS to show its resonance modeshapes. The actuation mechanism of the SH-PWAS is predicted by MP-FEM, and modeshapes of excited structure are presented. The structural resonances are compared with experimental measurements and showed good agreement. Analytical prediction of SH waves was performed. SH wave propagation experimental study was conducted between different combinations of SH-PWAS and regular in-plane PWAS transducers. Experimental results were compared with analytical predictions for aluminium plates and showed good agreement. 2D wave propagation effects were studied by MP-FEM. An analytical model was developed for SH wave power and energy. The normal mode expansion (NME) method was used to account for superpositioning multimodal SH waves. Modal participation factors were presented to show the contribution of every mode. Power and energy transfer between SH-PWAS and the structure was analyzed. Finally, we present simulations of our developed wave power and energy analytical models.


© Smart Materials and Structures, 2014, IOP Publications

Kamal, A., Giurgiutiu, V. (2014). Shear Horizontal Wave Excitation and Reception with Shear Horizontal Piezoelectric Wafer Active Sensor (SH-PWAS). Smart Materials and Structures, 23(8).

