"The Urgency of Making Public Work Count" by Araceli Hernández-Laroche

The Urgency of Making Public Work Count

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Why the urgency to make public-facing work count? For starters, tenure and promotion are steeper, more inequitable mountains for women and faculty members of color as we survive this pandemic and “BIPOC faculty members are also more likely to be conducting community-engaged research, which has faced additional pandemic interruptions, while also working to support their communities” (Misra et al.). It’s been all hands on deck to keep our families and communities from losing more. For example, the social impact network Alianza Spartanburg,1 which seeks to facilitate the inclusion of Latinx members in Spartanburg County, raised significant funds for mixed-status families shut out of federal CARES Act (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act) funding in spring 2020 during the economic downturn.2 It’s not surprising that “[m]any women and faculty of color have also been on the front lines in supporting vulnerable students, with Black, Indigenous and Latina women particularly burdened with mentoring and service work” (Misra et al.) material cont. in link.
