

Integrated Urban Water Resources Modeling in a Semi-Arid Mountainous Region using a Cyber-Infrastructure Framework

Document Type



Water resources management in cities is facing growing challenges related to increases in water demand, uncertain future climate variability, and conflicts related to water rights and access. Integrated water resource management (IWRM) is an inter-disciplinary framework which connects separated infrastructures and elements of a water resource system together which have dynamic interconnection. An IWRM process broadly involves water supply systems, stormwater management, wastewater collection, climate variables, groundwater and other water related sectors to solve the water and environmental problems. In this study, an integrated framework applying the GoldSim Monte-Carlo simulation software is presented to provide dynamic simulation of inter-related parts of an urban water system. The framework supports fast access and application of data resources, exchange of data among sub-models, and capacity to produce long-term simulations with sufficiently high spatial resolution to support urban water management research. Also parts of the framework are web-based interface, results analysis, and visualization tools. Working with local water managers the framework has been designed to provide specific and useful information for stakeholders, water managers and researchers to answer location-specific questions related to water availability, stormwater management, and other aspects. It also has the potential to provide exploratory opportunities for community and K-12 education. This paper describes the framework and presents an analysis of decentralized versus centralized urban water management solutions for the Salt Lake City metropolitan area in Utah, USA.

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)



© ASCE, 2016

APA Citation

Goharian, E., Burian, S. J., Bardsley, T., & Strong, C. (2016). Incorporating Potential Severity into Vulnerability Assessment of Water Supply Systems under Climate Change Conditions. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 142(2), 04015051.
