Synthesis of Carbonyl Compounds from Alcohols Using Electrochemically Generated Superoxide Ions in RTIL

Praneshwar Sethupathy, University of South Carolina - Columbia
Inas M. Alnashef
John R. Monnier, University of South Carolina - Columbia
Michael A. Matthews, University of South Carolina - Columbia
John W Weidner, University of South Carolina - Columbia

© Synthetic Communications 2012, Taylor & Francis.

Sethupathy, P., Alnashef, I.M., Monnier, J.R., Matthews, M.A., & Weidner, J.W. (2012). Synthesis of Carbonyl Compounds from Alcohols Using Electrochemically Generated Superoxide Ions in RTIL. Synthetic Communications, 42(24), 3632-3647.
