
Spring 2024

Document Type

Scholarly Project


College of Nursing

First Advisor

Amy Dievendorf


Problem: The utilization of mechanical ventilatory support is a periodic necessity within critical care. One significant aspect of mechanical ventilatory health management focuses on preventing the sequela of ventilator-associated events (VAE). The societal impact of VAE occurrences weighs heavily on the already burdened registered nurse (RN), health care providers including physicians and advanced practice providers, healthcare system, and overall patient and family wellbeing. Purpose: This project examined if the addition of a ventilator associated event bundle (VB) reduces the occurrence of VAE within the adult patient population requiring mechanical ventilation for longer than 48 hours. Methods: Metric review of VAE occurrences within the adult patient population over a 3-month period was evaluated in a medical intensive care unit. Project subjects included any adult patient, 18 years and older, requiring mechanical ventilatory support for greater than 48 hours who did not require intubation prior to facility arrival or during current hospitalization, use of continuous oscillator therapy or extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO). Analysis: A descriptive data analysis was performed utilizing a frequency table to explore VAE occurrence followed by the comparison of the standard infection rate (SIR) of VAE over a consecutive 3-month period to post VB implementation utilizing two consecutive years data from July through September. Implications for Practice: Reduction of VAE occurrences are related to reduced mortality rates, fiscal demand on healthcare organizations and patients, and overall staff burden.


© 2024, Renee Christine Hayes

Available for download on Sunday, December 01, 2024

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Nursing Commons
