
Summer 2023

Document Type

Scholarly Project


College of Nursing

First Advisor

Sabra Custer


Problem: Concussions continue to be a common injury in both athletes and non-athletes across the world. In college, symptoms and recovery time from concussion injuries can lead to loss of social interaction, class time, and participation in school events such as sports. For collegiate club athletes at the University of Pittsburgh, there is currently no mandated concussion protocol, making injury management more difficult. Purpose: This project's purpose was to determine whether a peer-to-peer concussion education tool is a viable implementation option to improve the concussion environment for this population compared to their current structure with no protocol. Method(s): A five-step peer to peer concussion program developed by Chestnut Hill College for intercollegiate athletes was implemented with club sports teams. Participants completed a survey about concussion attitudes and knowledge before and after the program's implementation. Inclusion Criteria: Only collegiate club sport athletes at the University of Pittsburgh were included in this DNP project. The projected timeline had this study occurring in the spring sports season, but clubs active during the spring semester and participating in regular off-season competition and practice were invited to participate. Analysis: Statistical analysis included descriptive statistics and a paired sample t-test. The t-test was completed to determine any statistically significant difference between survey results at the start of implementation compared to the survey results at its conclusion.


© 2023, Brian Wallace Stefan

Included in

Nursing Commons
