"Securing Information on a Web Application System to Facilitate Online " by Hrishitva Patel

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Blood donation has saved many lives in the past. According to statistics presented by the American Red Cross, a patient is in need of a blood transfusion every two seconds. There are many benefits that arise from blood donation to both the donor and the blood recipients. With blood donation, cancer patients, people involved in accidents, or those battling diseases that require blood donation have access to enough blood to sustain their survival. There is a need to digitize the blood donation booking to facilitate blood donation across the United States, and ensure patients in need of blood, receive their donation from eligible donors on time. This report demonstrates the security measures implemented to secure patient and blood donor data on a blood donation booking web application.


© The Author, 2022

APA Citation

Patel, H. (2022). Securing Information on a Web Application System to Facilitate Online Blood Donation Booking. [Preprint]
