Document Type


Publication Date

Fall 2009



University Libraries Receive Major Grant to Digitize Historic South Carolina Newspapers..... p.1
Report from the President..... p.3
Report from the Director..... p.3
Introducing Bill Cossen..... p.4
“Entfesselt den Tiger nicht!,” or, “Do Not Unchain the Tiger”..... p.4
South Carolina Civilian Conservation Corps Camp Papers Available to Researchers..... p.5
The Diary of John Shaw Billings..... p.6
Oscar Montgomery Lieber and the 1860 Eclipse Expedition..... p.8
Bill Schmidt Joins University Libraries Staff..... p.11
New Digital Collections of SCL Materials..... p.11
Piranesi at Carolina..... p.12
D.W. Griffith’s “Historical Facsimile:” How the South Carolina Statehouse Became a Movie Set..... p.15
Memorials..... p.16


Caroliniana Columns is published semiannually for members and friends of the University South Caroliniana Society.

Executive Committee:

Dr. Robert K. Ackerman, president
Mr. Sam Howell, vice president
Mr. Kenneth L. Childs, vice president
Dr. Allen Stokes, secretary/treasurer


Nancy H. Washington
