Document Type
Publication Date
Fall 1998
From the President's Pen..... p.1
USCS Celebrates its 62nd Annual Meeting..... p.1
Reception Announces Bryan Dorn Endowment..... p.2
Genealogical Collections at the South' Caroliniana Library..... p.2
Metamorphosis: From College to University to South Caroliniana - But Always a Library..... p.3
Library Acquires Daguerreotype through Auction on the World Wide Web..... p.4
SCL Acquires Andrew Jackson Letter..... p.4
Richardson's "Collections of Collections"..... p.5
Endowment News..... p.9
Memorials..... p.10
Grant Proposal to Benefit Photographic Collection..... p.11
Membership Nomination Form..... p.12
Recommended Citation
University of South Carolina, "University of South Carolina Libraries - Caroliniana Columns, Issue 4, Fall 1998".
Caroliniana Columns is published semiannually for members and friends of the University South Caroliniana Society.
Executive Committee:
Mr. Harvey Teal, president
Col. Frank K. Babbitt, vice president
Mrs. Catherine Richardson, vice president
Dr. Allen Stokes, secretary/treasurer
Ms. Susan E. Dick