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The 2022 HR@Moore Survey of Chief Human Resources Ofcers (CHROs) received responses from approximately 150 CHROs answering questions on a number of issues regarding the CHRO role. CHROs stand out as one of, if not the most diverse C-suite populations, as our respondents are 67% female and 14% nonwhite. While more racially diverse than most other C-suite roles, the latter number suggests this may still be an area of opportunity. CHROs have made very little changes in how they allocate their time to diferent CHRO roles over the past fve years, with them spending slightly more time leading the HR function and slightly less time as a strategic advisor on average. While executive compensation continues to be the single issue they spend the most time discussing with their boards, the time spent on this issue has decreased over these fve years. Now, they now spend almost as much time on succession (combining CEO and other executives) issues as they do executive compensation. Few diferences were observed between male and female CHROs in how they spend time in their role or work with their boards. CHROs continue to be hired predominantly from outside the organization, with just over one-third promoted from within. In past years, the internal/external data for CFOs was almost exactly the opposite (most promoted from within); however, the CFO role now is almost equally balanced between external hires and internal promotions. CEOs continue to see delivering talent as the top priority for CHROs and the HR function, followed by culture and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). While DEI was the third-most cited priority according to our respondents, it was only mentioned frst (on the list of 2-3 priorities respondents were asked to provide) one time. Consistent with last year’s results, CEOs seem to land on the moderate/right end of the spectrum in terms of their political beliefs on economic issues, but moderate/lef on social issues. In comparison, CHROs seem slightly less moderate/right and much more liberal/lef than CEOs on economic and social issues, respectively. Finally, in the most interesting fnding, signifcant diferences emerge between male and female CHROs, with male CHROs being more conservative/right on economic issues and female CHROs being much more liberal/lef on social issues.

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© 2022, University of South Carolina

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Business Commons
