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Vascular interventional doctors are exposed to radiation hazards during surgery and endure high work intensity. Remote vascular interventional surgery robotics is a hot research field, in which researchers aim to not only protect the health of interventional doctors, but to also improve surgical accuracy and efficiency. However, the current vascular interventional robots have numerous shortcomings, such as poor haptic feedback, few compatible surgeries and instruments, and cumbersome maintenance and operational procedures. Nevertheless, vascular interventional surgery combined with robotics provides more cutting-edge directions, such as Internet remote surgery combined with 5G network technology and the application of artificial intelligence in surgical procedures. To summarize the developmental status and key technical points of intravascular interventional surgical robotics research, we performed a systematic literature search to retrieve original articles related to remote vascular interventional surgery robotics published up to December 2020. This review, which includes 113 articles published in English, introduces the mechanical and structural characteristics of various aspects of vascular interventional surgical robotics, discusses the current key features of vascular interventional surgical robotics in force sensing, haptic feedback, and control methods, and summarizes current frontiers in autonomous surgery, long-distance robotic telesurgery, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-compatible structures. On the basis of summarizing the current research status of remote vascular interventional surgery robotics, we aim to propose a variety of prospects for future robotic systems.

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

APA Citation

Zhao, Y., Mei, Z., Luo, X., Mao, J., Zhao, Q., Liu, G., & Wu, D. (2022). Remote vascular interventional surgery robotics: a literature review. Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery, 12,/i>(4), 2552–2574.


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