Engaging Bedside Nurse in Research and Quality Improvement
Document Type
Nurses are expected to participate in research and scholarly inquiry; despite ongoing attempts, the practice-research gap continues to be fraught with significant barriers. System strategies have not addressed concerns at the individual nurse level. Given the implications on quality and safety, focusing on identification of individual nurse strategies should be an important focus of attention for nursing leaders and researchers. This article seeks to describe barriers, potential solutions, and implications for nurse leaders.
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Publication Info
Published in Journal for Nurses in Professional Development, Volume 37, Issue 3, 2021, pages 138-142.
APA Citation
Mulkey, M. A. (2021). Engaging Bedside Nurse in Research and Quality Improvement. Journal for Nurses in Professional Development, 37(3), 138–142. https://doi.org/10.1097/NND.0000000000000732
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