Date of Award

Spring 2023

Degree Type


Director of Thesis

Dr. Mathieu Deflem

First Reader

Dr. Peter Vento

Second Reader

Dr. Peter Vento


This thesis is broken into three sections: methods of naturally increasing serotonin levels, increased serotonin levels impacts on the body and mind and how those physical and mental impacts translate into a fulfilled life. This thesis presents health effects and measures a fulfilled life in terms of: relationship success, academic and professional achievement, and societal impact. The goal is to explore and expand upon existing scientific inferences of the complex neurotransmitter serotonin. It is not a treatment plan. It investigates benefits of imposing serotonin-increasing behavior into one’s life and speculates tangible measures of success that would likely be consequences of those benefits.

First Page


Last Page



© 2023, Grace Rose Paskalides

Available for download on Monday, May 12, 2025
