Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access Thesis


Engineering Management

First Advisor

Stephen McNeill


According to Lund (2007), energy sources can be divided into three main categories: fossil fuels, nuclear resources, and renewable energy sources. Renewable energy technologies are on the upward trend both residentially and commercially, with many studies being conducted to optimize its use. There are many opportunities that exists for Jamaica to utilize renewable sources as energy for generating electricity. Several sources, including the Ministry of Science, Technology, Energy, and Mining of Jamaica, states that the country sources just over 90 percent (90%) of its electricity capacity from petroleum-based power plants. Along with a high petroleum fuel source power-generation, the method used to distribute power across the country is the high-voltage transmission system which is the traditional method of electrification. The current oil reserves around the world are finite and as they are depleted, prices for petroleum will inadvertently affect the prices for everything else from products to services. This study seeks to identify whether the implementation of a higher mix of renewable-source-powered microgrid system would be economically sustainable, in comparison to Jamaica’s natural gas and petroleum based fuel mix. It is hoped that this evaluation on implementing renewable energy as power source utilizing a microgrid system, will contribute to existing body of knowledge.


© 2018, Caliphor Jameel Fagan
