Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access Thesis


Theatre and Dance


College of Arts and Sciences

First Advisor

Robert Richmond


The Reflection– focuses on analysis of two realized Production of University of South Carolina Theatre, and my learning experience during my Professional Internship in The Theatre Company- La Fura Dels Baus, Barcelona, Spain. The Productions that will be the subject are Scapin, written by Bill Irwin and Mark O'Donnell, and directed by Louis Butelli, school year- 2015/2016; and Grounded, written by George Brant, and directed by Robert Richmond, school year- 2016/2017. The analysis will explore the importance of collaboration within the Production process and an understanding of the text and its transposition to theatrical space. It will deal with important questions of where and how do scholarly studies define the path of a future professional. These are questions that concern the bond and the dichotomy between academia and professional practice.


© 2017, Tamara Joksimovic
