Submissions from 2021
The More Things Change, the More They Stay the Same: The Queensland Police Service as a Model for Sustainable Policing Reform, Geoffrey P. Alpert and Kyle McLean
Submissions from 2009
Jail Visitation: An Assessment of Organizational Policy and Information Availability, Alicia H. Sitren, Hayden P. Smith, Brandon K. Applegate, and Laurie A. Gould
Submissions from 2005
Racial Threat, Urban Conditions and Police Use of Force: Assessing the Direct and Indirect Linkages Across Multiple Urban Areas, Karen F. Parker, John M. MacDonald, Wesley G. Jennings, and Geoffrey P. Alpert
Submissions from 2004
Toward a Better Benchmark: Assessing the Utility of Not-at-Fault Traffic Crash Data in Racial Profiling Research, Geoffrey P. Alpert, Michael R. Smith, and Roger G. Dunham
Submissions from 2001
Effective Community Policing Performance Measures, Geoffrey P. Alpert, Daniel Flynn, and Alex R. Piquero
Submissions from 2000
Police Accountability and Early Warning Systems: Developing Policies and Programs, Geoffrey P. Alpert and Samuel Walker
Public Opinion about Punishment and Corrections, Francis T. Cullen, Bonnie S. Fisher, and Brandon K. Applegate
Submissions from 1999
Toward the Development of a Pursuit Decision Calculus: Pursuit Benefits Versus Pursuit Cost, Thomas J. Madden and Geoffrey P. Alpert
Submissions from 1994
How Reasonable is the Reasonable Man?: Police and Excessive Force, Geoffrey P. Alpert and William C. Smith
Submissions from 1989
Judge David Bazelon: Questioning Authority (Review Essay), Geoffrey P. Alpert
Policing Hot Pursuits: The Discovery of Aleatory Elements, Geoffrey P. Alpert and Roger G. Dunham
Submissions from 1988
Neighborhood Differences in Attitudes toward Policing: Evidence for a Mixed-Strategy Model of Policing in a Multi-Ethnic Setting, Roger G. Dunham and Geoffrey P. Alpert
Submissions from 1978
Legal Services, Prisoners' Attitudes and "Rehabilitation.", Geoffrey P. Alpert, John M. Finney, and James F. Short Jr