Effect of physician-delivered nutrition counseling training and an office-support program on saturated fat intake, weight, and serum lipid measurements in a hyperlipidemic population: Worcester Area Trial for Counseling in Hyperlipidemia (WATCH)

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Ockene, I.S., Hébert, J.R., Ockene, J.K., Saperia, G.M., Stanek, E., Nicolosi, R., . . . Hurley, T.G. (1999). Effect of physician-delivered nutrition counseling training and an office-support program on saturated fat intake, weight, and serum lipid measurements in a hyperlipidemic population: Worcester Area Trial for Counseling in Hyperlipidemia (WATCH). Archives of Internal Medicine, 159(7), 735-731. doi: 10-1001/pubs.Arch Intern Med.-ISSN-0003-9926-159-7-ioi80643

© 1999 American Medical Association.

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