Date of Award

Spring 2020

Degree Type



Civil and Environmental Engineering

Director of Thesis

Dr. Michael Meadows

First Reader

Mr. David Chao

Second Reader

Mr. David Chao


This report presents a structural design for a one-story pool house in the City of Columbia. The most important part of the project was determining critical horizontal and vertical loads, and designing each member in accordance to those governing loads. The loads we analyzed were dynamic, dead, live and seismic. By means of the LRFD method, the greatest possible load combination was calculated, combining the previously mentioned loads. These load combinations were different for each analysis, as the loading pressures will change depending on what structural system is being analyzed. This comprises the large part of the report and of the project. The second and final step was designing timber members to satisfy the structural demands produced by those load combinations. The pool house was engineering in three different sections: the roof, the walls, and the foundation. The design process also started with the roof system, then the walls and cladding, and finally finished on the foundation.

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© 2020, Nathan F Gates
