Date of Award

Spring 5-10-2017

Degree Type



Environmental Health Sciences

Director of Thesis

David Kneas, Professor

First Reader

Jennifer Pournelle, Professor

Second Reader

Jennifer Pournelle, Professor


In December 2010, a cabinet meeting between the Indonesian President and REDD+

agency led to the realization that spatial data does not match between government agencies. The

comparison of two forestry maps catalyzed the publication of Presidential Decree No. 4/2011,

better known as the One Map Policy. This policy is aimed at standardizing and unifying spatial

data across the Indonesian archipelago, creating a base map for all agencies to use, and making

spatial data free and readily accessible for Indonesian citizens. The One Map Policy is a direct

move to centralize national power and give the state more control over its borders, and by extension

its citizens. The push for transparency in the mapping process is a promising move by the

government officials and opens up opportunities for local communities to submit their own land

claims. The problem is that many communities do not have the capacity to map their own land and

must rely on nongovernmental organizations, who in turn are limited by their donations. This work

delves into how the historical and current ‘mess’ of spatial planning policies affects Indonesia’s

social order. With the current implementation of the One Map Policy, government officials have

the upper hand on spatial planning and many communities are left without access to mapping tools.

Indonesia has a turbulent history with spatial planning and a single, centralizing policy is unlikely

to solve land use conflicts over the long-term and future administrations have the potential to

withdraw their promises for transparency, continuing the pattern of ‘messy’ policies.

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© 2017, Kaitlyn Justine Bretz
