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This catalog accompanied the exhibit which displays a portion of the Wickenheiser Collection of John Milton. The breath of Milton's own interests and the international and chronological range of those who have responded to him are highlighted in this exhibit. Among the items on display are early illustrated editions of Paradise Lost, books that influenced Milton, contemporary reaction to Milton, Milton as a political thinker, Milton and his illustrators, as well as those relating to Milton as a poet, and the growth of his influence.


The exhibit accompanied by this catalog was mounted to display a portion of the Wickenheiser Collection of John Milton. This collection is the Library's first major acquisition focused on any author or topic before the mid-nineteenth century. Thus, it broadens the historical range represented in the University's research collections. The breath of Milton's own interests and the international and chronological range of those who have responded to him make this a collection that will stimulate an equally broad range of research projects across a variety of disciplines.
