Document Type
Publication Date
MRD Relaunch..... p.1
April Quarterly Reports..... p.2
Archaeological Society of South Carolina..... p.2
Upcoming Events..... p.3
MRD News..... p.3
Field Training Course Part I..... p.4
Hobby Diver of the Quarter..... p.4
March Artifact Workshop..... p.5
Feature Articles..... p.6
My Spring Internship..... p.6
Charleston Harbor Stone Fleets Research at National Archives..... p.6
First Aid Training Prepares You to Respond..... p.8
The 150th Anniversary of the H.L. Hunley Submarine..... p.9
Hobby Diver Spring 2014..... p.11
Letters to the Editors..... p.12
Notes from the Editor..... p.12
Recommended Citation
University of South Carolina, "Maritime Research Division, South Carolina Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology - Quarterly Reporter, Volume 5/Issue 1, April 2014".
Quarterly Reporter is published quarterly for members of the Hobby Diver program and those interested in the underwater past of South Carolina.
Chief Editor: Ashley Deming
Editor: Carl Naylor