Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access Dissertation


Educational Studies

First Advisor

Todd Lilly


This action research study investigated the application of funds of knowledge research to supplement a Pre-Kindergarten curriculum in order to connect the previous knowledge and lived experiences of students and their families with the concepts and objectives of the classroom. The research combined funds of knowledge theory with social constructivism to form its theoretical framework. The research study used semi-structured interviews with parents to collect information about student and family funds of knowledge which the researcher used to supplement the existing curriculum with materials, activities, and experiences with which students were familiar. The findings revealed how enhancing existing curriculum with students’ funds of knowledge, particularly at literacy work centers, could increase student engagement. Although qualitative data indicated student growth over the span of the study period, causality could not be effectively proven. Recommendations for future research include expanding participation and including English language learning students and their families.


© 2024, Molly Kathleen Hamel

Included in

Education Commons
