Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access Dissertation


School of Music

First Advisor

Alicia Walker


This study will explore a variety of musical intersections between the gospel and European choral music traditions. The study will focus on three Gospel composers and their selected works to demonstrate accessible elements of Gospel music for collegiate choral ensembles. These musical elements will explore some comparison of styles, examples of where seventeenth through nineteenth century European choral traditions influenced the works of some Gospel composers, and appropriate pedagogical techniques for the Gospel style. The intersections will be demonstrated with examples from the composer’s scores with some comparisons to European choral works. This will include information on each composer’s background, examples of how their music education influenced their Gospel writing, and insight from interviews with the composers as well as educators who incorporate these styles in their choral rehearsals.

This study aims to serve as a resource for collegiate choral conductors looking for further information on Gospel traditions, repertoire and performance practice. For conductors who regularly program European choral repertoire from the seventeenth through nineteenth centuries, the familiarity of this musical language which they may already possess could create additional opportunity for them to engage with the musical language of Gospel music. Repertoire used in this study will include examples of the composers’ intention to incorporate compositional traits from seventeenth through nineteenth century Europe. Other examples may demonstrate techniques used by the gospel composer as a result of their engagement with both traditions during their formative years.


© 2024, Bryon Keith Black II

Included in

Music Commons
