Date of Award

Fall 2023

Document Type

Open Access Dissertation


Educational Studies

First Advisor

Linda Silvernail


The purpose of this mixed-method action research study was to support the asynchronous development of third-grade gifted students at GWE by identifying their key social and emotional needs and determining the outcomes of a differentiated SEL curriculum. The four most significant affective areas of social and emotional need as self-reported by the participants on a quantitative pre-survey were emotion regulation, goal management, emotional knowledge, and relationship skills. Qualitative observations and exit tickets were collected to understand participants’ perceptions of the differentiated affective curriculum on their social and emotional development. Quantitative data was collected at the end of the study and used as a post-measure to analyze the effects of the differentiated SEL on the competency levels of the third-grade gifted students. Results of this study indicate that individualized SEL has a positive impact on the asynchronous social and emotional development of third-grade gifted students. .


© 2024, Michelle Koehle
