
Jinsun Kim

Date of Award

Spring 2022

Document Type

Open Access Thesis


Physics and Astronomy

First Advisor

Yuriy V. Pershin


In early seventies, the memristor was introduced as the fourth fundamental nonlinear two-terminal circuit element coupling the charge and flux by Dr. L. Chua. In 2008, the experimental discovery of the memristor was announced triggering significant interest in the development of resistance switching memory devices and their applications. According to Chua, the pinched hysteresis loop in the current-voltage characteristic of experimental memory devices is the fingerprint of memristors (“if it’s pinched it’s a memristor”). However, such loops are not an exclusive feature of memristors as they are also found in the response of other devices with memory that are not ideal memristors. Recently, an unambiguous test to find whether a resistive device with memory is a memristor or not has been proposed. In this thesis, the memristor test is applied experimentally to several devices that were previously claimed to be memristors. In particular, the test is applied to: (i) in-house fabricated Cu-SiO2 cell, (ii) commercially available resistance switching memory cells, and (iii) so-called “Φ–memristor” (the latter was recently named as the “real memristor”). The results of the test indicate that all devices considered in this thesis are not memristors.


© 2022, Jinsun Kim

Included in

Physics Commons
