Date of Award

Summer 2021

Document Type

Open Access Dissertation


Educational Leadership and Policies

First Advisor

Todd Lilly


In Maryland, 47% of new teachers do not see a third year of teaching. Maryland also imports more teachers from neighboring states than it produces on its own (Kirwan & Hise, 2020). In order to improve new teachers’ skills and hopefully retain them, The Maryland Commission on Innovation and Excellence has proposed creating the position of “Master Teacher” to mentor new teachers. The “Master Teachers” need to earn National Board Certification (NBC) to be considered for the position. This research study examined mentees’ reflections and analyzed the presence of themes relating to the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards’ Five Core Propositions. It was found that mentees whose mentor held NBC were no more likely to describe their own professional practice aligned with the NBC’s Five Core Propositions than a mentee whose mentor did not have the certification. However, mentees who had a mentor with NBC were more agreeable that they could see themselves teaching three or more years.


© 2021, Joshua Michael McGoun
