Date of Award

Summer 2019

Document Type

Open Access Dissertation


Educational Studies

First Advisor

James D. Kirylo


The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of poetry annotations on students’ critical thinking skills. This action research study took place in the spring of 2019 with eight high school participants. Participants were enrolled in an English IV-Honors class that was a combination of juniors and seniors. The setting was a public high school in a southeastern state. A mixed methods design was used; however, the study was more dominantly a qualitative study, and data was collected from participant pre and post-surveys and interviews, student-participant work, teacher-researcher observation notes, journal entries, and rubrics for annotations and responses to poetry analysis questions. The data revealed that practice, collaborative opportunities, and reflection led to growth in participants’ self-efficacy, confidence, use of poetry annotations, and critical thinking skills as reflected in the rubrics.


© 2019, Stefanie J. Fowler
