"The Effects of Arts Integration on Literacy Comprehension Achievement" by Sara D. Tucker

Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access Dissertation


Educational Studies


Curriculum and Instruction

First Advisor

Kenneth Vogler


This study focused on the effects of arts-based instruction on student literacy achievement. The study sought to identify how incorporating arts into the reading classroom through arts-based interventions affected the literacy achievement of fifth-grade students who attended a school for science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics (STEAM) located in South Carolina. One group of fifth-grade student-participants, consisting of 10 students, received arts-based interventions, focusing on literacy skills. Students met with the researcher three times a week to receive arts-based literacy interventions. Data collection included a pre assessment and post assessment of literacy skills, along with surveys of student-participants’ attitudes about the reading and literacy curriculum. Findings included an overall increase in assessment scores among 80% of the student participants who received arts-based interventions. From the study’s findings, the participant-researcher, along with the administration and teaching team, designed an action plan and shared reflections regarding arts-based curricular integration. The action plan focused on implementing arts based literacy interventions to all 5th grade students with the goal of increase student’s literacy achievement.


© 2017, Sara D. Tucker
