Date of Award


Document Type

Campus Access Dissertation


College of Nursing


Nursing Practice

First Advisor

Stephanie E. Burgess


Bridging the gap between theory and practice has been a priority with universities and colleges of nursing. A mechanism for bridging this gap has been the establishment of faculty practices. Faculty practices have provided nurse practitioner faculty opportunities to mentor students, augment income, implement evidence-based research, provide mechanisms for policy development, and facilitate community access to affordable healthcare. Several models for faculty practice implementation are described in the literature, all with advantages and disadvantages. The purposes of this evidence-based project were to: (1) conduct a substantive review of the literature regarding faculty practice models and plans, (2) analyze the literature regarding the various models and plans, and (3) select the best faculty practice plan that could be implemented in a small college setting. The ultimate goal of this evidenced-based project was to compare faculty practice models and plans for the purpose of effective implementation in small colleges with established nursing programs that employ Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRN) faculty including doctorally prepared faculty.


© 2010, Sharyn Neiman Conrad
