"Spanish Artifacts from Santa Elena" by Stanley South, Russell K. Skowronek et al.



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This volume contains Parts I and 2 of a three-part presentation of the artifacts relating to the sixteenth century Spanish occupation of the colonial capital of La Florida at Santa Elena, located on Parris Island, South Carolina from 1566 to 1587. Part 1, by Stanley South, with contributions by Eugene Lyon, Richard Polhemus, William Radisch and Carl Steen, comprises the Spanish non-ceramic artifacts. Part 2, by Russell Skowronek, Richard Johnson and Stanley South, examines the Spanish imported ceramics. Part 3, incomplete at this writing, by Chester Depratter, deals with the Spanish-contemporary Indian pottery. This third part will be published as a separate volume at a later date. The entire artifact inventory of the artifacts from Santa Elena is presented in this three-part volume, being those recovered from a number of expeditions to the site between 1979 and 1985. For comparative use the appendices contain the tabulated artifact inventory resulting from these expeditions. Synthesizing tables from these data are presented in the text. This information should prove useful to students of sixteenth century Spanish colonial history, particularly historical archaeologists involved in excavating sites of this period wherever they may be.

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The South Carolina Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology--University of South Carolina




Excavations, Parris Island, U.S. Marine Corps, Spanish, Santa Elena, La Florida, Pottery, Ceramics, South Carolina, Archaeology




This is Volume 7 in the Institute's 'Anthropological Studies' papers.

Spanish Artifacts from Santa Elena

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Anthropology Commons
