Date of Award

Fall 2021

Degree Type



Moore School of Business

Director of Thesis

Dr. Mohammad “Vahid” Irani

First Reader

Dr. Austin Starkweather

Second Reader

Dr. Austin Starkweather


The central theme that this thesis addresses is the role of valuation by investment banks who act as financial advisors to M&A buyers by answering two questions relating to the process. The first question is if buyers should hire investment banks for a higher chance of success of deals. For the second question, I will examine buyers who hire investment banks for some certain characteristics of deals. This study focuses on M&A deals that happened between 2012 and 2015, especially between advisor and nonadvisor, successful and failed deals. The conclusion presented in this thesis will be contributable to the understanding of the relationship between acquirer financial advisory role and deal completion. This thesis would add values for the most impacted by involving financial advisory as the third party.

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