Startup Characteristics of Propane-Fueled Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Hot Zones

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For portable applications, a fuel cell often experiences frequent startups and shutdowns. Therefore the startup and shutdown behaviors are critical to a portable solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) and SOFC system. This paper discusses propane-fueled and thermally self-sustained SOFC hot zones and their startup characteristics in terms of temperatures, time, fuel and air utilization, O/C ratio, and repeatability.


©ECS Transactions 2011, The Electrochemical Society.

© The Electrochemical Society, Inc. 2011. All rights reserved. Except as provided under U.S. copyright law, this work may not be reproduced, resold, distributed, or modified without the express permission of The Electrochemical Society (ECS). The archival version of this work was published in ECS Transactions.

Publisher’s Version:

Du, Y., Cui, D., Reifsnider, K., & Chen, F. (2011). Startup Characteristics of Propane-Fueled Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Hot Zones. ECS Transactions, 35 (1), 2735 – 2744.
