Date of Award

Spring 2020

Degree Type



Moore School of Business

Director of Thesis

Dr. David Hudgens

First Reader

Dr. Nancy Buchan

Second Reader

Dr. Nancy Buchan


The counter marketing strategy of the truth® campaign is unique. They use a voice that does not talk down to the teens in their target market; instead, they talk to teens in their own voice. Throughout this paper, I work to determine the effectiveness of the truth campaign’s counter marketing strategy. I do this through my own research, in which I utilize a survey and two focus groups, in addition to secondary research. As many of the studies I looked at were from the time of the launch of truth®, conducting my own research allowed me to gain a better understanding of truth® and the effects of the campaign today. This research is more important than ever before as youth smoking rates have once again increased due to the introduction of e-cigarettes. Research supports my hypothesis that truth® has been effective, but it is important that they continue this success and tailor their strategy to combat the ever-changing tobacco industry.

First Page


Last Page



© 2020, Maura Castronuovo

Included in

Marketing Commons
