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The exhibit accompanied by this catalog was mounted to display the collection of John Hersey first editions assembled by Harry E. Hootman, the 2003 winner of the Thomas Cooper Society Student Book Collecting Award.


The Yale-educated journalist John Hersey was born in China to missionary parents in 1914. Joining the staff of Time magazine in1937, he served as a war correspondent assigned to places as varied as China, Sicily, Moscow and Japan during World War II. His "fictional novels" based on contemporary history won him a Pulitzer prize in 1945. In the 1960s, Hersey's novels focused on overcoming racial injustice, in the 1970s on reversing scandal in the highest government offices, in the 1980s on educational inadequacies, and in the 1990s on the challenge of AIDS. The Student Book Collecting Award is sponsored by Columbia, SC publisher Bruccoli Clark Layman.
