Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access Dissertation


Educational Studies

First Advisor

James Kirylo


A staff development team composed of four teacher leaders was chosen at a public high school to plan and facilitate two staff meetings. The purpose of this study is to determine how the use of a staff development team influences teacher voice within the school, the overall direction of staff meetings, and the culture and climate of the school. 21 teacher participants completed surveys that measured their perceptions of school climate, school culture, and teacher voice. Additionally, these teacher participants also completed post staff meeting surveys that measured their perceptions of the productivity/ effectiveness of four staff meetings. As a result of analysis of the previously discussed data sets, three overarching themes emerged: communication, desire for change, and professional growth. These three themes were ultimately used in gaining a deeper understanding of what factors influence the productivity/usefulness of staff meetings, school culture, school climate, and teacher voice at XHS. These findings informed an action plan to allow for more frequent and in-depth communication between administrators and teachers, to allow for more professional growth.


© 2024, Alison Ely

Included in

Education Commons
