Document Type



The review presented in this Report is for the period July 1996-June 1997 and summarizes the ongoing research, public service, and educational benefits of the Institute's programs.


Table of Contents.....p. iii
Introduction.....p. 1
Administrative Division.....p. 5
Office of the State Archaeologist.....p. 9
Research Division.....p. 13
Underwater Archaeology Division.....p. 21
Savannah River Archaeological Research Program.....p. 27
Cultural Resources Consulting Division.....p. 33
Archaeological Society of South Carolina.....p. 35
Archaeological Research Trust.....p. 37
Staff.....p. 39
Appendix A - Publications.....p. 43
Appendix B - Editorships.....p. 49
Appendix C - Papers Presented.....p. 51
Appendix D - Creative Endeavors.....p. 55
Appendix E - Courses Taught.....p. 57
Appendix F - Research Affiliates.....p. 59
Appendix G - Institute, University and State Committees and Boards.....p. 61
Appendix H - Consultations.....p. 63
Appendix I - Public Education.....p. 65
Appendix J - Professional Committees and Offices.....p. 69
Appendix K - Awards.....p. 71
Appendix L - Grants and Contracts.....p. 73
Coda.....p. 75

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